Portugal, Bahamas, and Greece Covid Stamps

 Today's mail was filled with all kinds of goodies!!! 

The first that I opened was an envelope from Rui in Portugal. We had traded some USPS Hot Wheels stamps for a Florence Nightingale stamp (I'll do a separate post about that later) and the Portugal Covid stamps. Like I had said in a previous post where I had gotten one of the Portugal Covid stamps, Portugal decided to honor its postal workers who continued to sort and deliver national and international mail during the beginning of the pandemic. Their stamps depict different postal jobs. 


Along with the stamps came this brochure explaining about them. I have included the Portuguese version and English version for you to see.  The English version says this:

Rui was also nice enough to include a Portugal Covid postcard from Postcardbazaar. He states that the Covid situation in Portugal is very bad and he is hoping for better days soon.

The next bit of goodness is the Covid stamp collection from the Bahamas. They state that "We will stay safe" on all of them. They then say:

With a mask

With social distance

Covering coughs & sneezes

and Washing our hands

The last of the goodies comes from Greece. In that package I received an entire book of Greek Covid stamps:

The cover looks like this: 

and an individual stamp looks like this (it has a nice shiny area on it):

Lastly is the First Day Cover (FDC) for the Greek stamp. If you aren't sure of what a FDC is then Wikipedia has a great explanation: 

first day of issue cover or first day cover (FDC) is a postage stamp on a cover, postal card or stamped envelope franked on the first day the issue is authorized for use within the country or territory of the stamp-issuing authority
